gardening, home sweet home

grow babies grow

It’s amazing what a week and a half can do in the world of seedling growing!

The plant babies are growing!

I still have a few lazy babies that are trying to gain strength to stand tall, as well as some spots that haven’t poked a seedling through at all – but as a rookie gardener, I’m very impressed with how well it’s been going so far!

If all these little guys thrive and survive, I’ll definitely have some plants to share, because there’s no way my square foot garden can hold this many!

It’s definitely exciting to watch them change and grow!

gardening, home sweet home

lil’ sprouts

I was thrilled this morning to wake up and discover that some of my seeds have begun sprouting!

Itty bitty baby seedlings!

I don’t typically ever start from seeds, so I didn’t really know what to expect. I’m guessing (hoping!) that there are different growing times, depending on the type of seed. There are definitely certain rows that aren’t showing anything at all.

I planted two rows of each seed and I put them in alphabetical order because I’m just weird like that. It helps me remember what is planted where.

Rows 1-2 are cucumbers. 3-4: hot peppers. 5-6: lettuce. 7-8: summer squash. 9-10: sweet peppers. 11-12: tomatoes.

After checking seed packets, there are some that take at least 10 days to emerge, so I’m excited to see what transpires throughout the coming week while we’re on Spring Break!

gardening, home sweet home

a new adventure

I’ve never been much of a gardener. One year, we decided to try square foot gardening. That first year went really well, but everything’s pretty much been a bust since then. Over the past quite a few years, I’ve grown a few plants in pots, but this year, I want to try gardening again – from the very beginning.

The seeds of choice…

I love salad and I’m hoping to “grow my own salad” this summer. I got the little seed starter greenhouse and went to work filling all of the little spots with soil. Hopefully by May, I’ll have some little plants!

Gracie decided to help. 🤣

A sunny March day was a beautiful day for planning and planting!

gardening, home sweet home

carleigh’s garden

One of the things I love most about summer is being able to enjoy the beauty of Carleigh’s Garden. We first started her garden when we moved to our new house in June, 2000. Here are some of her beauties, 23 years later!

This was planted by our front steps when we bought the house, but we quickly transplanted it in Carleigh’s Garden.

Momma’s favorite color.

Always pink for Carleigh! These are gorgeous every single year!

Pretty in pink.

These were transplanted from my Godmother’s house. My Godfather planted them at their new house before he passed away.

Jack’s Lovely Ladies.