birdwatching, home sweet home

little blues

My little bluebird house has already seen a lot of action this morning. I looked out my window and a huge crow was sitting on top! My little blues were throwing a fit – trying to dive bomb at him from the power lines above. He just sat there and snapped at them until I opened the front door and ran him off.

Home sweet bluebird home.

I could tell my little blues were relieved! I was curious about what we were fighting for, so I had the courage to take the lid off the box. They’re hard to see, but there are at least four sweet babies in that box.

A box full of little blues.

Ma and Pa Blue watched me from the safety of the power line. As soon as I replaced the box lid, Pa Blue came in to take care of the Lil’ Blues. I hope I built some trust with them today. I promised them I’d always protect them.

birdwatching, home sweet home

she’s crazy

A few weeks ago had a robin that tried to build a nest on our security light. We didn’t want it there, so we tore the nest down before she could get it built. Twice.

I got out our fake rubber snake and strategically placed it on top of the light. Upon seeing the fake snake, she decided it would be better to build in the gutter. We let her build there, and she raised a nest of 3-4 babies.

During the time she was raising her babies, the rubber snake fell off the security light. John put it back up there, but not as strategically as what I’d done.

Enter new robin. This robin is not only not intimidated by the fake snake, but she welcomes it into her nest!

Seriously. 😐