current river, kayaking, missouri

summer float

M had been wanting to go kayaking, so today we headed out for a summer float. Her mom and sisters had been wanting to kayak too, so they all came along for the adventure.

Sisters on a float.

Even her younger brother came, which was fun for Z, because he had someone to hang out with.

Boys will be boys!

It was a great day for floating, even if we did get some rain along the way!

gardening, home sweet home

carleigh’s garden

One of the things I love most about summer is being able to enjoy the beauty of Carleigh’s Garden. We first started her garden when we moved to our new house in June, 2000. Here are some of her beauties, 23 years later!

This was planted by our front steps when we bought the house, but we quickly transplanted it in Carleigh’s Garden.

Momma’s favorite color.

Always pink for Carleigh! These are gorgeous every single year!

Pretty in pink.

These were transplanted from my Godmother’s house. My Godfather planted them at their new house before he passed away.

Jack’s Lovely Ladies.
birdwatching, home sweet home

little blues

My little bluebird house has already seen a lot of action this morning. I looked out my window and a huge crow was sitting on top! My little blues were throwing a fit – trying to dive bomb at him from the power lines above. He just sat there and snapped at them until I opened the front door and ran him off.

Home sweet bluebird home.

I could tell my little blues were relieved! I was curious about what we were fighting for, so I had the courage to take the lid off the box. They’re hard to see, but there are at least four sweet babies in that box.

A box full of little blues.

Ma and Pa Blue watched me from the safety of the power line. As soon as I replaced the box lid, Pa Blue came in to take care of the Lil’ Blues. I hope I built some trust with them today. I promised them I’d always protect them.

birdwatching, home sweet home

she’s crazy

A few weeks ago had a robin that tried to build a nest on our security light. We didn’t want it there, so we tore the nest down before she could get it built. Twice.

I got out our fake rubber snake and strategically placed it on top of the light. Upon seeing the fake snake, she decided it would be better to build in the gutter. We let her build there, and she raised a nest of 3-4 babies.

During the time she was raising her babies, the rubber snake fell off the security light. John put it back up there, but not as strategically as what I’d done.

Enter new robin. This robin is not only not intimidated by the fake snake, but she welcomes it into her nest!

Seriously. 😐
road trips, tennessee, the zoo crew

memphis zoo

This month’s family adventure took us all the way to Tennessee to the Memphis Zoo. When the older boys were younger, we visited multiple times to see the pandas. Since YaYa is getting ready to return to China, we wanted to visit one more time.

Red pandas.

Upon arriving, we first found the red pandas, which were a big hit with everyone, especially M.

We walked around a lot and visited a lot of animals until we finally found YaYa.

YaYa chillin’ with some bamboo.

It was a really great day with family, and then B pulled off a really big surprise…

“Will you marry me?”

Of course L said yes – and it appears that we will have a daughter-in-love and two babygrands officially joining the family later this year! Needless to say, we’re thrilled!

current river, kayaking, missouri

february float

When there’s a 60° day in February, you have to take advantage of it! The morning started off chilly – in the low 30’s – but by the time we reached the river, it had warmed considerably.

We set off at just after 10 a.m.
at Pulltite Campground.

The sky was blue and the sun was shining. Occasionally we would get a gust of chilly wind, but the sun helped keep us from getting too cold.

Winter landscape.

We had a bald eagle sighting, as well as a muskrat and two otters. Also, this time we didn’t have the river to ourselves. Another couple was taking advantage of the nice day just like we were.

My main squeeze.

We discussed how everything pretty much looks the same in the winter – especially when you float the same section of river over and over. You never want to flip a kayak, but you definitely don’t want to flip one during the winter months! Pulltite to Round Spring is the section where we feel least likely to flip, so we keep choosing it.

The journey’s end.

It doesn’t seem that out sticky snow float will get to happen this year. I’m ready for the leaves to come back anyway. We want to explore the Lower Current this year and are hoping our friends will be our tour guides.

current river, kayaking, missouri

first float 2023

It’s not guaranteed that you’ll get a nice January weekend day, so when the chance arrives, you go for it.

Takeoff from Pulltite Landing at 10:24 a.m.

It was windy, but with multiple layers, I was totally comfortable. I didn’t even have the mitten part of my gloves closed. I was very glad I remembered my CC beanie though.

Clouds, but no rain!

We had one bald eagle sighting on the way to the river, as well as one while we were on the river. We also saw a couple of river otters swimming and playing.

Just another day in paradise…

As always, any day on the river is a good day!

current river, kayaking, missouri

our first december float

Today we went for our first ever December float. It was 28° outside when we left the house and 30° by the time we got to the river. I listened to Christmas music on the drive there.

Ready for smooth sailing…

We chose to float Pulltite to Round Spring. It’s familiar, and in my opinion, the easiest section of the river. Today was a day we definitely wouldn’t want to flip a kayak!

The eagle takes flight…

We had multiple bald eagle sightings. We even saw two on the way to the river. Today we had the entire river to ourselves. There were no other floaters in sight.

Our eagle escort…

As the morning progressed, the sun warmed things up to a balmy 40°. It was another great day to be on the river. We hope to have the opportunity to take our first snow float later this winter.

current river, kayaking, missouri

3rd annual fall float

It’s hard to believe that it’s been three years since we discovered that we love kayaking! What started as a family float in Summer 2020 with us sharing a canoe has turned into so much more.

Since then we did our first fall float that year in kayaks in 39° weather, purchased John’s kayak the next fall and then mine this past spring, and have had many more kayaking adventures.

Today was no different. We set out at just before 9 a.m. with our friends. Temps were in the low 40’s and it was a bit chilly – especially considering that we didn’t think to wear or bring jackets!

Juliet and the Dapper Dotty.

The fall colors didn’t disappoint, and Juliet and I enjoyed taking in the sights and sounds of the river, while listening to our guys swap stories.

Our guys “shootin’ the bull…” 🤣

One of the things I love most about fall floats, other than the company of good friends and the fall colors, are the numerous bald eagle sightings.

This guy escorted us down the river.

As the morning progressed, the sun warmed us and it ended up being a really great float from Pulltite to Round Spring. Normally John and I stop at the Upper Landing, but this time we floated to the Lower Landing. The photos really don’t show the beauty of the leaves.

A day on the river is the best day.

We’re already looking forward to the November float. You can bet we won’t be forgetting our jackets for that one!

current river, kayaking, missouri

september float

When we finally got my kayak in June, we decided that we wanted to float at least once a month. So far we’ve been able to keep up with that, but I’m sure the winter months will be interesting!

8:24 a.m. on the Current River

We floated our usual, Pulltite to Round Spring. There were a lot of cars in the Round Spring floater parking and a good number of campers at Pulltite Campground, but the river was quiet.

Only blue skies ahead.

For the most part, we had the river to ourselves. We took off just before a couple and their dogs, and a little down the river there were some campers on a gravel bar. Other than that, there were no other humans in sight.

River sparkles.

It was a nice, peaceful morning – and a nice brain break to prepare for the coming week.